Dagbókin okkar

Á þessum síðum skrifum við jafnóðum söguna okkar því hvernig við gerum markvissa tilraun á heilsu okkar samkvæmt leiðbeiningum Dr Campbell McBride - skref fyrir skref...

About us - English

A mother and her two daughters, trying to heal our various health issues through the GAPS protocol.

I never wanted to read the book "Gut and Pshychology Syndrome" as I figured it might make our lives even more complicated. I was right... and yet it has made so many aspects of our lives so much better.

I've had more diagnosis than I care to remember (rheumatism, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, angioedema, ehlers danlos, depression, endometriosis, mould allergy, raynauds syndrome to name a few) - many of them were definately ill-founded. I also had several kidney infections during a period of my life and before I finally started GAPS I had developed several allergies and intolerances.

My daughter was a colicky baby. Not the type that cries for an hour or so in the evening. She was the type who screamed non-stop for the first four months of her life, night and day. She's always had numerous allergies and intolerances, bad digestion, respiratory issues and last year she was finally diagnosed as "within the autism spectrum".

Since we started GAPS last year we've seen some amazing changes. Our health has gone a bit up and down, but the changes we've seen have motivated us greatly to move forward. Now we're doing the "introduction diet" and taking it step by step as described in "The GAPS guide".